Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's been a long, lonely time

Yes. I haven't posted anything is a super long time. I've been busy with several other avenues of life as of late.

Just wanted to put it out there that I'm still here.

And while I'm at it, go check out the new Prairie Fire Tapes site. It's awesome. Plus, their latest batch of tapes look terrific. I will need to get my paws on them. While you're there, why not grab a copy of "Tired Forever"? It's been too long since I've had some new tracks to offer. I will be doing some recording as soon as my schedule allows. Definitely over the winter months. Definitely. Without giving away anything, I'm very excited to record and very excited about the next year.

Current fixations: Pete Swanson - Pro Style; Locrian & Christoph Heemann; Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell; Pallbearer - Extinction and Sorrow; Tragedy - Darker Days Ahead; GY!BE - Don't Bend, Ascend!